We’re Recruiting Volunteers!

We’re seeking more people to join our team to be ready to assist neighbors when that time comes. If you have an interest in being trained in emergency response, first aid, extrication, communication, government incident command systems, etc., and have a few hours per month of free time to direct to this volunteer effort, I think you’ll enjoy this opportunity. All that’s required is:

  1. Register at PBEM NET application (click on the “NET Volunteer Application”) and complete the instructions within that page. 
  2. Please contact firstresponders@hayhurstnet.com to begin taking active part in meetings with your local NET volunteer group. Please contact the Hayhurst NET volunteers Assistant Team Lead Greg Zupan at 503-908-3402 for any questions.
  3. Feel free to completing the Basic CERT lecture training online through the University of Utah: www.onlinecert.org. Following CERT training completion, send certificate to net@portlandoregon.gov and firstresponders@hayhurstnet.com 

This recruitment program was kicked off 2021 to help find more people in the community to join in. There will be a drawing when enough new recruits are brought in for a fair drawing to receive the potential award described below.

We’ve invited a large number of community organizations to share this volunteer opportunity within the local community. If you have any suggestions of ways we could recruit more people, please pass them on to us!